XL Catlin (Insurance Company) Announces Enhanced Family-Friendly Leave Benefits

XL Catlin (Insurance Company) Announces Enhanced Family-Friendly Leave Benefits

In an age where diversity comes into question and is promoted by some (in some fashion or another) as a negative quality, it is a breath of fresh air to see a company with such a progressive outlook on family, diversity, inclusiveness and equality.

"As part of its Diversity & Inclusion strategy and ongoing efforts to attract and retain the best talent, XL Catlin has announced enhanced family-friendly leave benefits, including more paid time off for maternity, adoption and family care.

The enhanced leave benefits vary by geography, based on local practices and laws, but in each case represent a significant benefit when compared to local practices. They are being rolled out initially in XL Catlin's largest locations, which are the US, UK,  India and Switzerland.

In the US – Up to 16 weeks fully paid maternity, adoption and surrogacy leave for the primary caregiver regardless of gender and four weeks of fully paid parental leave for the secondary caregiver, to be taken any time during the first 12 months.  In addition, employees in the US who adopt or have a child via surrogacy will be eligible for reimbursement for some of the related expenses. Additional leave time will be provided to care for extended family members including siblings and parents."


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